RE your correspondence on the subject of homosexuality and Christianity (HAS, May 17). If religion is anything it is inclusive of deep respect for privacy and private conscience.

I deplore the sexual prurience - whether disguised by "religion" or otherwise - which would presume to know and/or judge what consenting adults do in their own bedrooms.

Some self-styled "Christians" are too curious about details of homosexual behaviour. They would not dare to intrude in the same way upon the privacy of heterosexual and/or married couples.

The Church of England will soon have another Lambeth Conference.

The last one was a scurrilous disgrace. Top clerics poured out venom against each other. Others tried to ridicule and dominate dioceses in the US and to limit the freedom of these dioceses to choose female or gay leaders.

The job of any church is to promote universal fellowship and to reform human behaviour by good examples. The churches will kill themselves if they depart from this simple ideal.

E Turnbull, Gosforth, Newcastle.