PETE Winstanley argues that George Bush and Tony Blair should be tried for war crimes over Iraq (HAS, May 15).

I agree we were lied to regarding Iraq's WMD (weapons of mass destruction) threat, but this was only partly the reason for the invasion.

The US and GB did Iraqi people a service in ridding them of Saddam Hussein, who was also a threat to neighbouring states (Iran and Kuwait would testify to that).

It seems some people are critical if the Western allies do nothing, and are the first to criticise when they do.

The Iraq invasion was necessary to relieve the suffering of innocent people. I hope the likes of Sudan and Zimbabwe are to follow, but with full United Nations backing.

Mr Winstanley also says the US and UK's "War on Terror" cannot be won and has exponentially increased recruitment to the violent jihad. Muslim terrorism also exists in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Chechnya and Sudan to name some (certainly nothing to do with Iraq).

It is obvious to all but the "blinkered" that the word dialogue is not in the vocabulary of these terrorists. I am sure Messrs Bush and Blair would welcome Mr Winstanley's suggestion as to a viable alternative.

Kev McStravick, Darlington.