THE upsurge of nationalism in Scotland has naturally produced an opposite reaction among English nationalists.

Unfortunately, and unfairly, this has made things difficult for Gordon Brown who is hoping to present himself as the Prime Minister of the UK. Mr Brown is a well respected politician and, as a highly successful Chancellor, his stock is rated very highly by the financial institutions of most countries.

George Osborne, the Tory Shadow Chancellor, pales into insignificance alongside Mr Brown.

Unfortunately, talent and capability sometimes come second when prejudice rears its ugly head - Neil Kinnock will testify to that.

Mr Blair has Scottish ties, but was not seen as a true tartan-blooded Scot.

Mr Brown is a classic example of the cream rising to the top of a bottle of milk.

He deserves his chance to be PM and if he can transfer his fiscal acumen to his role as our first minister then our country is in safe hands - the only flies in the political ointment are the Scottish, English and Welsh nationalists.

Hugh Pender, Darlington.