WHAT complicated rigmaroles some "experts" come up with to explain away anything that disproves or casts doubt on Darwin's theory ("The ugly truth about beautiful people's DNA", Echo, Mar 28).

The professors, it seems, have come up with their own theory, which will no doubt be claimed correct, proved and therefore unquestioned fact.

Selection of the fittest, strongest and best looking in the human race just hasn't been working as Darwin claimed it should. If his theory is correct, by now every human being should have film star good looks and perfect physiques. So much for facelifts and the battle of the obesity bulge. Doesn't seem to be working, does it?

People continue to fall for each other, ugly or beautiful, despite the professors' "sporadic genetic mutations", just as they always have done.

I'm glad Darwin's theory doesn't work. What a dull world without gorgeous grannies such as the one in the illustration.

EA Moralee, Billingham.