RECENTLY there have been complaints to the police about criminal activities in the area known as Paradise.

This is a beautiful part of our county in Witton Park, near Bishop Auckland.

The area is used by dog walkers and anglers.

During the past few weeks the car park was sabotaged when a bag of nails was scattered across the area. My tyre was damaged by a sharp piece of metal with a nail inserted, so it couldn't be moved. It was fortunate that the tyre could be repaired.

The cost of replacing the tyre would have been in excess of £200.

Over the weekend, I was informed that a VW Polo had its windows and bodywork damaged. Someone else had faeces smeared over their car door handle.

This area has the most beautiful landscape and is ideal for walking, either with or without dogs.The river bank lends itself to a variety of wildlife, including the deer who have an enclosed area.

The police have investigated these incidents and it is uncertain whether they have enough evidence yet to take further action.

I am concerned that whoever is responsible may return and cause further damage. So I have decided for the time being that it will be safer not to walk there.

S.Gardner, Bishop Auckland.