NISSAN wants the UK to stay in the EU.

But the only reason Nissan is here in the first place is thanks to the financial incentives it has received and still receives from us.

Over the weekend there were stories that the next Juke may be built in France instead of Sunderland.

No it won't.

Saying 27,000 jobs directly and indirectly would be affected by a UK decision to leave the EU is nothing more than blackmail and scaremongering.

Why would they? The Washington plant is a success and a move to France would be a case of cutting their nose off to spite their face.

It's time we started making British cars again and if that be the case an abandoned Nissan plant would be a ready-made facility for us to walk into.

The North-East used to be the number one for shipbuilding, mining and heavy engineering. Now we are thrown the scraps off the world's plate like beggars. It's time we found our own identity once again. The next government should invest in home-grown businesses instead of prostituting us.

Billions of pounds we have thrown into Europe. Now it looks to me as if Japan is telling us how we should run our country.

John Cumberland, Rushyford.