Of the many issues raised by Ken Kemp (HAS, Jan 16) in his diatribe against the Lib Dems, one is particularly wide of the mark.

He says the Coalition has “presided over a prolonged recession caused by the bankers, not by Labour”, but in fact Labour’s failure to regulate the banking industry was a major factor.

If a Tory government had been in office, he would no doubt be blaming them.

The recession is mainly over. Going into coalition with the Tories was the only way to ensure stable government for five years, essential for overcoming the UK’s acute financial crisis.

We knew it would be damaging for our party, but we did it for the good of the country.

The public are heartily sick of “yah boo” politics. Mr Kemp should concentrate on promoting his own party, not merely blame the Lib Dems for all the ills of the country, real or imagined.

Chris Foote-Wood, Prospective parliamentary LibDem candidate for Richmond