MY wife and I were great cinema fans when we were younger and the other day we tried to decide which had been the scariest film we’d ever seen.

My vote went to Psycho, which we’d watched together in the early 1960s when we were courting.

I do remember that my enjoyment on seeing it for the first time was spoilt by the usherette showing us to our seats while the climax of the film played out, despite having been assured that we were going in during the programme break.

Consequently, we knew the final twist before the film started.

My wife went for The Exorcist, which she had watched with a friend in the 1970s.

I was working shifts at the time and after seeing the film it was some time before my wife was able to sleep with the lights off.

She told me that during the screening St John Ambulance staff were on duty in the aisles.

Apparently, this happened throughout the UK.

VJ Connor, Bishop Auckland