SINCE the 1960s, neo-Nazi, white supremacist and Right-wing fascist groups, such as the National Front, the British National Party and Combat 18 etc. have wrapped themselves in the Union flag and St George’s flag.

They hi-jacked both the English and British national identities and restricted their message to anyone who is white, Protestant and of Anglo-Saxon descent.

The expression of Irish, Scottish and Welsh identities is a counter reaction to centuries of similar ignorant, uneducated, bigots trying to exterminate those national identities, cultures and races.

The desire to once again celebrate St George Day’s is about decent English people wanting to reclaim their national identity.

Michael Stewart’s claims (HAS, Apr 24) that the demise of St George’s Day is part of an international Socialist conspiracy, like all conspiracy theories, has more to do with fantasy than fact.

C MacArt, Spennymoor.