WHAT on Earth has happened to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Job Search website?

It has been replaced by an even worse monstrosity called Universal Jobmatch.

Once signed up it is supposed to match jobs to the details you have downloaded on your CV.

What it actually does is bombard you with thousands of unsolicited spam emails and those annoying alerts have nothing to do with jobs because there aren’t any.

If you do manage to locate any jobs on the site they are fake – not so long ago a secret agent’s job was advertised.

Local jobs are non-existent and self-employment posts fill 75 per cent of the site.

I was told in the 1970s and 1980s job centres had jobs typed up on nice little cards displayed in their windows. These were genuine jobs.

With modern technology there has been no real improvement for the job seeker.

Stephanie Finnegan, Normanby.