AS a regular attendee at the Police and Communities Together (PACT) group, which is held in Middlestone Moor Community Centre, in Spennymoor, I hear the same problems being raised month after month.

Central Drive has many antisocial problems, which are always classed as a priority, as are reports of dog-fouling on the estate and cars obstructing footpaths.

Dog owners should be aware by now that it is an offence not to clean up after their pets. Bags can be purchased at a nominal price (nappy-bags are ideal and cheap) and should always be carried when dogs are taken out for exercise.

Unfortunately free dog bags are no longer available from Spennymoor Town Council, as Labour councillors imposed a £1 charge.

Parking on footpaths is an offence if there is not enough room for a double buggy or a wheelchair to get through, so will drivers please be more considerate.

This causes distress to the elderly and disabled.

Councillor Christine Sproat, Spennymoor.