THE Government’s thinking on devolving power to the provinces is fine in theory but, based upon similar experiences in the past, bad in practice.

Putting billions of pounds in the hands of Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) is fine as long as these funds are entirely strategically used and not provided for pet subjects or diverted to other ways and means by our councils.

I’d hate to see this money given to the “we know best”

brigade who never really know best as our stagnant economy shows clearly.

Indeed, as the primary mover of all new wealth is the commercial exploitation of innovation, LEPs have to concentrate on building the creative infrastructure first where all the creative thinking of local people can be brought to bear on the problem, not just academia and business.

It is imperative that we have applied creative thinkers in the driving seat this time around and not non-performing minds that have not a clue what economic regeneration is all about anyway.

Dr David Hill, Huddersfield.