SO it's true then: we are all going to die of political-correctness. I'm talking about the absurd police reaction to the recent Channel 4 documentary Undercover Mosque.

This programme visited mosques in various parts of Britain and discovered that incitement to terrorism was widespread. For example, one Muslim preacher commented as follows on a British soldier murdered by the Taliban in Afghanistan: "The hero is the man who separated his head from his shoulders."

Another preacher - snorting like a pig - prophesied that all Jews will be killed at the end of time. Yet another said that women are "deficient" and that homosexuals should be "thrown off a mountain."

There were calls by these preachers for "Islamic martyrdom" - that's suicide bombers to you and me. And another sermon declared that Aids was deliberately spread by Christian missionaries in Africa through slipping the virus into inoculations. Violence towards young women was strongly recommended: "If she doesn't wear the hijab, we hit her."

So what action did the police take in the light of all this evidence of incitement, threats and racial hatred? Did they arrest the preachers of hate perhaps? Did they close down the mosques where the offensive words were uttered?

Not at all. They accused the makers of Undercover Mosque of stirring up racial hatred and together with the Crown Prosecution Service complained to Ofcom.

What beggars belief is that, when invited to comment, moderate Muslims themselves stated that the extremists' words were provocative. So we are left with the British police taking sides against moderate Muslims and favouring Islamic fundamentalists.

Imagine, if you can, what the result would have been if those incitements to hatred and murder had been made against Muslims by priests in Christian churches. They would have been locked up before you could say Hail Mary and the churches closed at once.

The problem is that our governing class and law enforcement professionals are in denial. Europe is under dire threat from Islamofacism and instead of taking strong action against this enemy, our authorities persecute those who draw attention to it.

Marcello Pera, President of the Italian Senate, says this: "In Afghanistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ossetia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, Bosnia, Kosovo, the Palestinian Territories, Egypt, Morocco and much of the Islamic and Arab world, large groups of fundamentalists, radicals, extremists, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brothers, Islamic Jihad, the Islamic Armed Group and many more have declared a holy war, jihad, on the West.

"This is not my imagination. It is a message they have proclaimed, written, communicated, preached and circulated in black and white. Why should we not take note of it?"

I have been asked to write an article for a theological magazine about Christian-Muslim relations. The editor of this magazine put me in touch with a Muslim scholar and asked me to study the Islamic perspective on the terrorism issue. This Muslim scholar told me that Westerners have nothing much to worry about because "only 15 per cent" of Muslims worldwide support terrorism and holy war against the West.

Well then, there are about one billion Muslims in the world. So "only" a hundred million or more want to kill us. Should we draw comfort from this?