A chance to enjoy a three-course meal cooked by a Michelin-starred chef at one of the region’s most luxurious venues? Yes please, says Deborah Johnson, as she goes along to Rockliffe Hall’s inaugural Ladies’ Lunch event.

IWOULD love to be a lady who lunches. The best I usually manage is a quick trip to the bakers for a sandwich, and the idea of spending a couple of hours (at least) enjoying good food, wine and an even better bit of gossip is something I only dream about.

For most of us, the chance to have long, lazy lunches is not something that can be done very often. Which makes it all the more important that when you do indulge, you really make it something special.

The region’s newest luxury resort, Rockliffe Hall, has been quick to capitalise on that desire, and has been speedy in its response by launching a monthly Ladies’ Lunch event.

The venue, in Hurworth, near Darlington, ticks all the boxes for somewhere to go for a rare treat and five- star luxury, combined with a Michelinstarred chef to cook your food. It’s something few could turn down.

I went along to the first of the Tuesday Ladies’ Lunch events, each of which has its own theme. To open the summer programme was Cooking with Kenny Atkinson – a tutorial led by the venue’s Michelin-starred chef in The Orangery, the fine dining restaurant which bears his name, followed by a three-course lunch cooked by the man himself.

Any reservations I might have had about the event being exclusive, or too snooty, were immediately calmed once I walked into the elegant Morning Room for coffee. Smiles from the other 13 ladies – who were lunching, with my mother and me, and even one man – were aplenty, and Rockliffe’s staff have a gift for making guests feel welcome and at ease, despite the grand surroundings.

Before we were allowed to indulge in a particularly tempting menu there was an address by Kenny, who confirmed his reputation as one of the UK’s most sought-after young chefs when he won BBC’s Great British Menu last year. He is appearing on our screens again this week for a second series.

Rockliffe tempted Kenny away from his previous residency at Seaham Hall, but he remains down-to-earth and approachable.

He spoke easily about his TV appearances, his future plans, his family, shunning the formal table and chair set out for him in favour of perching on the edge of a desk.

His food is exquisite in its quality, presentation and taste. He urged us to take our time to savour the flavours and enjoy each mouthful as we were treated to a first course of Shetland salmon with scallops and caviar, which included a wild garlic and spinach veloute – the garlic picked from Rockliffe’s garden that morning. The taste was sensational, as it was throughout.

The salmon, served with a Viognier wine, was substantial and enjoyable, and the next course of pork was divine.

We were presented with both belly pork and a tenderloin fillet with black pudding, celeriac, baby onions and sage.

And while the portions might have looked small, in reality there was little room left for a pudding. A Merlot complemented it perfectly.

Thankfully, I did manage to find space for a chocolate mousse with pears poached in red wine – a truly memorable climax to a wonderful meal.

The occasion is to be thoroughly recommended – at £45, it is relatively expensive, but for what can be described as one of the most fantastic lunches I have ever had, plus more than three hours in one of the region’s most exquisite venues, I would say it is well worth it.

■ The next Ladies’ Lunch event is on Tuesday, May 18, and offers a skincare consultation with Angi Egan.

To book, contact Rockliffe Hall on 01325-729999 or visit rockliffehall.com