THE Arctic conditions which have descended on Britain have caused chaos and hardship for millions of people, but today our thoughts are with those who are least able to cope with the extreme weather.

We all know elderly people who have effectively become trapped in their own homes by the worst snow and ice for many years.

Some have family who can make sure they are comfortable, but there are many others who are trying to get through this cold snap on their own.

Today, we add our weight to the Winter Relief campaign which has been launched by County Durham Foundation in response to one of our front pages earlier this week, highlighting the plight of the elderly.

The foundation, which does a magnificent job in our region, has kickstarted the appeal with a donation of £10,000.

The hope is that we can build on this beginning by urging people who do not need their winter fuel allowance to send the money instead to the appeal.

Volunteers will then distribute food parcels and equipment to the elderly people who most need help.

We applaud the County Durham Foundation for its initiative and we are very happy to be working with the organisation on such a worthy cause.

So please join us by supporting the appeal. And, even if you can’t help financially, make it your business to check on an elderly person and help where you can.

Thank you.