WHILE controversy rages on all sides over the heavy-handed arrest of shadow immigration minister Damian Green, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith turns the spotlight on binge-drinking today.

New laws aimed at putting an end to the all-too-familiar sight of vomiting revellers strewn across our pavements, are to be unveiled by the Government.

The vast majority of responsible people, who make sure their drinking habits do not cause problems for others, will welcome a tougher stand being taken against the minority who go too far.

“Irresponsible” promotions are to be banned in pubs, clubs and shops, and police are to be given extra powers to confiscate alcohol from youngsters, to prosecute those who sell it to under- 18s, and to make offenders pay a heavier price for boozing in “no drinking”


We broadly welcome the legislation because something has to be done about the growing drink culture in this country.

But will the latest crackdown work?

The fact that police officers can go round arresting opposition politicians simply for bringing the Government to account, suggests they have too much time on their hands. But we know that is not really the case.

Our police forces are generally overstretched and unable to cope as it is.

And the relaxation of licensing laws, introduced by a Government which now wants to get tough on alcohol abuse, has stretched those police resources even further.

We can’t help thinking that there are mixed messages coming out from the Government on the issue of binge drinking.