AS a Middlesbrough supporter I have a lot of respect for Steve Gibson but when it comes to politics he is clearly blinkered, “Teesworks deal is unforgivable” (Echo, Apr 24).

He criticises our excellent Tees Valley Mayor for striking a deal with private sector colleagues to re-energise highly contaminated industrial land.

A deal which will ultimately create thousands of high-skilled, high-wage jobs.

In his endorsement of Labour’s Chris McEwan, he has either not done his homework or he is turning a blind eye to his “unforgivable” deals.

As Deputy Leader of the Labour run Darlington council, Mr McEwan has:

  • tried to close the historic Crown Street Library in order to sell the building; l closed our jewel in the crown arts centre and sold the building for flats;
  • sold Teesside Airport to a private company and supported its closure for houses; 
  • overseen the felling of multiple historic trees against the wishes of his constituents; 
  • designated and approved the building of over 6,000 not needed homes on the green belt at Skerningham, Blackwell and Coniscliffe, and
  •  sold our once brilliant indoor market to a private company and stood by as it has been decimated.

Is such a record why Mr McEwan is keeping a very low profile in the run up to the election?

Or is it because his vision for the Tees Valley extends only to providing free parking and reduced bus fares?

He seems happy to accept free hospitality from Mr Gibson but less enthusiastic to put himself forward for scrutiny; I wonder why?

Joe Alderson, Darlington.