A devolution deal means that in May, subject to Parliamentary approval, a new combined authority will be formed in the North East, with a new Mayor elected.

Interim portfolio holder for economy Is Cllr Nick Kemp, Leader of Newcastle City Council

Cllr Kemp explains how preparations are being made and his aspirations for the new authority.

Ahead of us is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to truly define our region for future generations, to help shape and reenergise the nation, and for the North East to pay a major role in protecting the planet.

It is a chance to harness and grow the strengths and potential that already exist in abundance and recognise that we are greater than the sum of our individual parts.

The North East once powered the nation. The Great Northern Coalfield – stretching from Northumberland to Durham provided the raw material that made ‘coals to Newcastle’ such a household phrase. The new £4.2bn North East Devolution Deal shows that we can still punch our collective economic weight. But these days, the raw material has changed.

This economic legacy has brought pain as well as progress. Like many areas of northern England, communities throughout our region continue to feel the negative effects from the closure of traditional industries. This is why we must ensure the economic opportunities of the future are not confined only to those that defined the region in the past.

We are developing a robust regional industrial strategy that will become a blueprint for our future economic success. It will respect the past, provide new opportunities for more of our residents, and break down the barriers that hold our growth and people back.

Our geographical location, adjacent to the world’s largest offshore windfarm at Dogger Bank presents a unique opportunity for the region to provide clean energy and importantly energy security to the region and beyond. We have a lot to build upon, in the fields of health and life sciences, automotive and advanced manufacturing, and the development of content for the creative industries.

Ensuring we maintain the competitiveness of existing industries in a rapidly changing global context is critical to the economic success of our region; and while we strive for a cleaner and greener future, we must also ensure our investment allows existing industries to innovate and continue to provide highly-skilled and well-paid jobs.

There are, of course, challenges to overcome, not least the alarming levels of poverty that years of austerity have allowed to develop. There are issues with the quality of people’s homes and the care we can provide to our most vulnerable, but the economic strategies we develop through collaboration will be built on the foundations of inclusivity and equality.

Our industrial strategy will use the pounds and powers we’ve worked for to drive more investment into the region, drive inclusive growth and push further towards ensuring the North East plays its part in future-proofing our planet against climate change.

We’ve already shown what our region can achieve when it comes together. In addition to the £4.2bn devolution deal, we’ve also collectively secured from Government a £160m Investment Zone that will bring thousands of jobs, incentivise inward investment, and further propel the expansion of clean energy while collectively as Leaders of the local authorities we are securing additional trailblazer status.

In my authority in Newcastle we fully understand the value of the River Tyne and how addressing key barriers such as a long term dredge programme and the moving of the power cables can unlock significant river related activity, from the existing industries, supporting them moving through transition, to the opportunities offered through hydrogen. I am leading the development of a green super port because it is clear this can unlock enormous economic potential for our region.

I’m incredibly proud to be leading a portfolio that so closely aligns to everything else the combined authority aims to achieve, as it will all be underpinned by a strong and resilient regional economy that is enabled to grow, backed by decisions that are made where it matters to us most – right here.

The deal that launches the new combined authority is an excellent starting point for us all. It will require further investment from Government - particularly in our infrastructure.

Ours is a region that boasts great cities, amazing countryside and stunning coastal communities, allowing us to make the claim of being the only combined authority that has all of these elements. My enthusiasm and ambition is limitless, as are the opportunities for our great region starting from this new devolution deal.