Suella Braverman has been sacked as the Home Secretary and Rishi Sunak is expected to carry out a cabinet reshuffle as a result.

A No 10 source said the Prime Minister “asked Suella Braverman to leave Government and she has accepted”.

Ms Braverman had recently come under fire following her unauthorised article criticising the way pro-Palestinian protests had been policed and comments made about restricting the use of tents for homeless people.

A government source has told BBC News that Rishi Sunak will be carrying out a cabinet reshuffle later today (Monday, November 13).

The Northern Echo: Rishi Sunak will change up some ministerial rolesRishi Sunak will change up some ministerial roles (Image: Jeff Moore/PA)

What is a cabinet reshuffle?

The Institute for Government defines a cabinet reshuffle as "when government ministers are moved between posts".

This can be relatively minor, with just one minister resigning and needing to be replaced for example, or it can see several ministers change roles entirely.

Cabinet reshuffles usually occur when a new Prime Minister from the same party takes office between general elections.

There are various other reasons why cabinet reshuffles occur though, with one relating to party management.

IFG says: "The appointment and dismissal of ministers is an important part of a prime minister’s power.

"Through their patronage, they can reward loyalty and punish dissent, build alliances, and manage their party by making sure all the factions within it feel represented in government."

The Northern Echo: Suella Braverman had been under fire for some controversial comments before being sackedSuella Braverman had been under fire for some controversial comments before being sacked (Image: Justin Tallis/PA Wire)

It could also indicate a policy shift with IFG explaining: "Moving ministers around can be a way of indicating a government’s priorities.

"Adding new ministerial roles or changing which ministers can attend cabinet during a reshuffle is another way of doing this, as is making changes to the responsibilities of government departments."

Additionally, a cabinet reshuffle could just be to refresh the line-up a bit in Government.

IFG said: "Reshuffles are a way to avoid seeming stale and to introduce newer and younger MPs to the government.

"Refreshing the government through a reshuffle can be an attractive option when a government is unpopular – in May 2006, following disappointing local election results for Labour, Tony Blair held a wide-ranging reshuffle."