ART created by a former soldier has gone on display at Darlington Arts Centre.

Julie Macbean's first exhibition, called Torrent, uses weather as its inspiration.

Her work uses a variety of methods, including ink, digital images and painting.

The exhibition focuses on landmarks in the area, particularly steelworks and the industrial landscape of Middlesbrough. One of Mrs Macbean's favourite pieces is of Saltburn Pier, because she discovered a new technique while painting it.

After completing 22 years in the Royal Logistic Corps, Mrs Macbean developed her interest in art by attending classes at Darlington College and Cleveland College of Art and Design.

The exhibition features works created during Mrs Macbean's time at Teesside University, where she is studying for a masters degree in fine art.

The opportunity to showcase her art came when her work was spotted online.

Mrs Macbean, 47, said: "I am grateful for the opportunity to show my work in the Lounge Gallery, as it is venues like this that springboard up-andcoming artists on to the more established galleries."

The exhibition runs until February 18 at the Arts Centre, in Vane Terrace.