DRAMA students present the Bernard Shaw classic Pygmalion this week.

Sixth-formers at The King's Academy, in Middlesbrough, have had elocution lessons in order to cover the change of accents as the transformation of London flower girl Eliza Doolittle unfolds.

A cast of 13 students and four backstage crew have been rehearsing the musical since September, while the textile department concentrated on designing and making costumes.

Danielle Paul, director, said: "The play still has relevance today, reminding us that, regardless of our backgrounds, we are all searching for fulfilment and acceptance.

"This first sixth-form play has posed some interesting challenges, including cultivating the right accents. The cast has done exceptionally well."

Pygmalion is being performed at the academy, Stainton Way, Coulby Newham, at 7pm today, tomorrow and Friday.

Tickets are £5 for adults and £3 for children and concessions.

They can be bought by calling 01642-577577.