REFUSE COLLECTION: RESIDENTS of Hartlepool are reminded that Monday’s Bank Holiday will not affect their refuse and recycling collections. They are asked to put out their bins as usual next week. This follows major changes to the way the Borough Council collects households’ refuse and recycling. The changes which were introduced last month, include a more efficient Tuesday-Friday collection regime.

STRAWBERRY CROP: THE first crop of Yorkshire strawberrys will on be on sale on Saturday, May 11 at Saltburn Farmers’ Market. The market runs from 9am to 2pm on the Station Portico and outside Sainsbury's supermarket.

BECKS WALK: People can celebrate local history month with the Boro Becks team on a tour of Normanby led by members of the Normanby Local History Group. The walk takes place on Thursday, May 16 and starts at the Thorntree Park Pavilion at 9.30am. For car users, meet at the Stewart Park car park at 9am for the minibus to Thorntree Park. People need to bring a packed lunch - provision has been made for packed lunches to be eaten at Normanby Methodist Church and hot drinks will be available. Booking is essential - call 01642-515618 or email