FUNDS RAISED: A ladies’ group from St Bernadette’s Church, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, has raised £4,000 for reconstructive surgery charity Interplast UK. A fundraising night was held at Marton Country Club on Friday, January 25. They have thanked all who have contributed.

FOOTBALL SESSION: Weekly football sessions are held every Friday at Acorn Centre, in Acklam, Middlesbrough, from 6pm to 7pm. Anyone interested in playing should call Craig Archer on 01642-832659 to register for the sessions.

DANCE LESSONS: Line dancing classes take place every Sunday from 8pm to 10pm at Middlesbrough Bowling Club, Cornfield Road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough. The class costs £3 and for further information call 01642-827970.