A COMMUNITY group that works with volunteers to keep disabled and elderly people company while their carers take a break has praised the efforts of those who give up their time.

The Sitting Service, operated by St John’s Community Centre, in Shute Road, Catterick Garrison, began in March 2009 and has since provided 1,435 of service to people who need care and support in the local area.

At the organisation’s annual meeting chairman Deirdre Edgar said: “Every hour you have provided has helped someone in Richmondshire have some valuable time off from caring. Recent feedback from carers indicates that the service is very highly regarded and much appreciated by carers and you should be very proud of this achievement”.

A recent appeal for volunteers to take part in the service led to seven people offering their time.

Sitting Service co-ordinator Isobel Penman also thanked the volunteers for their dedication and asked others in the community to consider giving some of their spare time to work with vulnerable people.

If you are a carer or know anyone who would benefit from the Sitting Scheme contact Mrs Penman on 01748-832271 or email ip.stjohnscentre@btinternet.com If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for the Sitting Service, you must be over 18, reliable, friendly and caring and must also undergo an enhanced disclosure CRB check. Enquiries from men would be particularly welcome.