YOUNGSTERS at a North Yorkshire independent prep school are getting cosy in the classroom – enjoying their lessons hygge-style.

Taking tips from the Danes and Norwegians, once a week pupils at Harrogate school Belmont Grosvenor are swapping their shoes for cosy socks and slippers, switching their desks for rugs and cushions on the floor, warming themselves in front of a roaring fire, and embracing the hygge way of living and learning.

Hygge – which roughly translates in Danish as a feeling of well-being, cosiness and contentment with life – has become a hit at Belmont Grosvenor School.

The idea to incorporate hygge in the Harrogate co-educational school’s timetable came from teacher Katie Page, who is also Belmont Grosvenor’s special educational needs co-ordinator.

"I am always interested in supporting how children learn best and lots of studies show that children do this when they feel comfortable.

"Youngsters in Scandinavian classrooms, and also in Canada where I used to teach, rarely wear shoes and also have flexible seating,” said Mrs Page, who started the hygge sessions to coincide with Year 4 pupils learning about Scandinavia.

"Our pupils have learned a lot about geographical location, the climate and the Vikings – and creating a hygge – warm, welcoming and cosy – environment in which to learn has become part of our topic. They are all extremely focussed."