A TENNIS club is opening its courts to non-members this summer.

Pay and play sessions are being introduced at Northallerton Tennis Club on Farndale Avenue, Romanby.

Committee member, Nimmo Clarke said: "We are aware that there are people in the area who would like to play tennis without committing to membership of a club.

"There are no public courts in and around Northallerton so we are opening our facilities for local people to give this great game a try."

The courts will be available from 6.30pm to 8pm every Friday between June 7 and July 26.

The charge will be £5 per player for 45 minutes. Primary school age children will be welcome to play only if accompanied by a paying adult, but for no charge. Balls and racquets will be supplied if needed and free coaching can be arranged.

Access to the courts (four tarmac) will be on a first come, first served basis. Enquiries can be made via northallertontennis.clubbuzz.co.uk

The first club tournament of the season was held recently. The Kilding Cup was won by Matthew Midgley and Margaret Fenwick.