A PUB which has featured in the Good Beer guide since 1999 is celebrating another accolade.

The Fox and Hounds Inn, at West Witton, in Wensleydale has been named Pub of the Year 2013 by the Camra North West Yorkshire branch. The contest looked at pubs in the Hambleton, Richmond, Swaledale and Wensleydale area.

The family-run pub has a range of cask conditioned ales and regular guest beers. At any one time, a good selection of the beers, ales and lagers will be from small Yorkshire breweries.

The pub also has its own darts, dominoes and quoits teams and runs several open quoits knockout competitions a year. It is run by husband and wife team Andrew and Nola Blackburn, who took it over 17 years ago.

Mr Blackburn said he had noticed real ales were becoming appreciated by a much wider audience.

He said: “I think if people are wanting to go out for a pint at all, they want to drink something quality. Real ale is always quality stuff.”