AN annual golf day has raised £5,000 for charity.

Eighteen teams took part in the event at Ramside Hall Golf Club, in Durham City, on September 6 to raise money for St Cuthbert’s Hospice.

Golfers started their day with coffee and a breakfast bacon roll, before taking part in the competition, which was won by a team from local firm JH Partners.

Financial advice company Charles Stanley also sponsored a Hole-in-One which, had the feat been achieved, would have seen the company donate £10,000 to the hospice.

Since it began in 2008 the event has raised over £20,000 for St Cuthbert’s, which provides free care and support to people with life limiting illnesses.

Event organiser Laura Barker said: "Luckily the rain held off and everyone had a fantastic day.

"It’s great to see that after four years, the event is still going strong and still has such a high level of support from so many local businesses and individuals - we can’t wait to come back next year."