A HOSPICE is urging people to talk about death, as part of a campaign week.

St Cuthbert’s Hospice, in Durham, is encouraging families to discuss the taboo during Dying Matters Week, organised by the Dying Matters Coalition, which runs from March 15 to 22.

Chief executive Angela Dinsdale said: "Unanswered questions such as what kind of funeral a loved one wanted and where their will is kept can be the cause of unnecessary pain for bereaved families already facing difficult times and this can be avoided by an open chat with your loved ones."

Solicitor Richard Langdon, a hospice trustee, said: "Too many people think making a will is morbid but it isn’t - it’s common sense.

"Making a will ensures that everything is left tidy for your loved ones and that your wishes are met."

For more information, call St Cuthbert’s Hospice on 0191-386-1170.