A FORMER hairdresser has won an award for her work creating hair extensions for clients.

Judges at the English Hair and Beauty Awards were impressed with the 34-year-old’s portfolio of work.

She attended the recent ceremony in Manchester and scooped the title of Hair Extensionist of the Year.

Ms Best, who runs her own business in her hometown of Stanley, the appropriately-titled Best Extend, said: “I was buzzing to have won. I am so proud and it means so much when you work really hard for something.”

Ms Best has been a hairdresser since she was 18 and has been doing hair extensions for the last nine years.

She said: “People get nominated for every category in the hair and beauty awards and the public has to vote for you.

“Once the finalists have been announced, your portfolio of work is judged by a panel and that is how you get the award.

“What stood out for me was I am a one-man show against this big salons with millions of staff.

“You think that independence won’t be recognised against some of the big salons so to have won is just so amazing.”