A POPULAR free coding club for kids, which is celebrating its second birthday, is looking for new members.

Coderdojo Durham is a free coding club for young people aged between six and 16, at Durham County Council’s Clayport Library in Durham City.

The club hosts 15 to 20 children and offers valuable coding experience from knowledgeable mentors, many of whom use coding in their profession.

The club is inviting new members and wants to attract more keen coders.

Elaine Scott, one of the co-founders, said: “We have come quite a long way since Anna Robson and I started the club to help children access expertise they may not otherwise find in schools. It has been really popular, with both the kids and the mentors.

“The children can play and develop anything they find exciting, from websites and games to robots. It also usually has an almost equal number of boys and girls attending, which is nice to see. Hopefully we will see this grow to either more frequent sessions or other locations in Durham.”

The club runs on the third Saturday of every month, from 10am to 12noon.

Anyone interested in joining the club or finding out more should contact Clayport Library on 0191-386-0379 or visit durham.gov.uk/durhamclayport