TRADERS have launched a ‘shop local’ campaign aimed at boosting the economy by more than £5m a year.

Stall holders at Durham’s Market Hall have brought the Totally Locally initiative, first seen in the North-West, to the North-East.

They say if every householder in Durham City spent £5 per week in the Market Hall rather than a national chain or online, it would boost the city’s economy by £5.2m.

Colin Wilkes, managing director of Durham Markets, said: “This campaign aims to remind us that there are experts right here in our city who can tell us all about the produce they are supplying, tell us how to cook our meat or fish, or where our vegetables were grown.

“Recent news stories have heightened awareness of where our food comes from and what the ingredients are.

“We have real experts here in the Market Hall who have learned their trade and can share their expertise with shoppers.”

Other independent traders in Durham are being invited to join the effort.