A planning application has been submitted to Durham County Council seeking permission for a two-storey dwelling with detached double garage at Garden House. Flint Hill Dipton. Consideration is pending.

PLANS RESUBMITTED: An application for outline permission for nine dwellings at Eden Transport Ltd, Eden House, High Hesleden, has been resubmitted to Durham County Council. A decision is pending.

KARATE CLASSES: Karate classes are held in St Mary’s Church Hall, Easington Village, from 6pm to 7.30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. The prices is £3.50 for children and £4 for adults. All new members welcome, with no experience required. For further information contact 0191-385 4851.

BEGINNERS BRIDGE: People can learn the basics of Bridge on a course running at the Chester-le-Street Community Centre, in Newcastle Road, Chester-le-Street, from 12.30pm to 2.30pm on Wednesdays from January 16. The 10-week course costs £35. For more information contact 0191-388 4752.