A VILLAGE is starting work on its second parish plan.

Coxhoe’s Parish Plan 2 will cover 2011 to 2016, setting out the community’s goals and aspirations for the next five years.

A steering group is organising several community engagement events to be held throughout this year.

The first two will be held in Quarrington Hill community centre on Saturday, February 19, and Coxhoe village hall on Saturday, March 5. Both events start at 10.30am.

Community leaders want to hear what residents believe are the most pressing issues facing the parish.

This information will be used to draw up a questionnaire to be distributed to all households in the village later in the spring.

It is hoped volunteers will then form task groups to draw up action plans to tackle particular issues.

The effort is involving Coxhoe Parish Council, Coxhoe Community Partnership, Quarrington Hill Village Partnership, Durham Rural Community Council and others, including Durham county councillors Maria Plews and Dennis Morgan.

Ian Forster, chair of the Parish Plan 2 steering group, said: "A fantastic amount of work has been achieved as a result of the community working together with service providers to achieve actions set in the first Parish Plan.

"We are now operating in a completely different economic climate and the next five years will be a challenge.

"By working together, establishing issues, seeking solutions and focusing on opportunities, our villages will be better places. We need everyone’s help in shaping the future of the places in which we live and work."

For more information, call Ian Forster on 0191-3772784, email: ianforster176@btinternet.com or visit: coxhoeparishcouncil.gov.uk