A FLORIST used poetry and paganism to give a supernatural touch to her demonstration to a flower club.

National demonstrator Katherine Kear entertained Darlington Flower Club with the origins of superstitions and named her presentation The Little Green Orchard after Walter de la Mare's book of poetry.

Ms Kear told the club the custom of touching wood for luck comes from the pagan custom of tying wood around children's necks at birth; and the convention of polishing an apple is based on a superstition that it takes the devil from the fruit.

Doreen Howson, publicity officer for the club, said: "Her knowledge of garden plants and trees was really impressive. She explained the origins of sayings and superstitions."

The next meeting of the club has the theme of The World of Entertainment.

The group meets on Wednesday, October 5, at 2pm in St Cuthbert's Church Centre, Market Place, Darlington, when area demonstrator Lynda Fraser will give a demonstration.

Further information is available from the club secretary on 01325-265776.