PLANS to build a house in the centre of a village look likely to be refused.

Planning officers have recommended that that the application for the two storey house at West View in Great Stainton are not given permission.

The site of the application is at the western end of the green in Great Stainton.

It was originally the site of two semi-detached houses which were demolished after a being damaged by fire in 2004.

In 2008 and 2009, applications for a bungalow and a house respectively on the site were refused.

In the report to the planning committee, planning officers states that although the site once accommodated houses it has now reverted to a grassed area and is an integral part of the village green.

They say that the application is not being recommended for refusal because of any issues over design, highways or residential amenity.

However, the report adds: "It is considered that the proposed dwelling would form an isolated and visually intrusive feature within a relatively elevated part of the village green that would be detrimental to the character of the village."

The application will be discussed by Darlington Borough Council at its meeting on Wednesday (feb9) at 1.30pm in the town hall.