TORY councillors have asked for an investigation into the way in which snow was cleared in Darlington during the recent bad weather.

The council's Conservative group has asked for scrutiny committees to carry out a Task and Finish review into the snow clearing.

Their request follows criticism from the Tories at a recent meeting of the full council about the level of clearing in the town centre.

Coun Alan Coultas said that on Christmas Eve, after a heavy snowfall, no council workers were in sight in the town centre.

He said: "The steps up from High Row to Post House Wynd were treacherous, you needed crampons to be safe."

His accusations were refuted by Labour councillors who praised the Street Scene department for its work during the snowy weather.

However, a task and finish group will look into how the snow clearing was managed.

A council spokeswoman said: "A task and finish review group has been agreed but will not start work until the end of the winter, in case there is more snow.

It would be inappropriate to comment further until the review is complete."