WITH seven goals in 11 games, not only is Tadhg Purcell Darlington’s man of the moment but also one of League Two’s hottest properties.

Only the division’s leading marksman, Rotherham United’s Adam Le Fondre, has found the next more often in 2010 than Quakers’ Irish hitman.

Whereas Le Fondre’s goals have come in a promotionchasing team, Purcell’s have come for a team marooned in the relegation mire and the 24- year-old will sustain interest in him if he nets goal number eight at Northampton Town today.

The striker arrived along with a clutch of other signings in January and since his debut there has been a noticeable increase in the number of scouts at Darlington matches, admitted assistant manager Kevin Richardson recently.

Purcell’s contract expires in the summer and the player himself admitted last week: “I am looking to this as a shop window. There are a whole lot more people watching you than ever would in Ireland.

“Whether I stay at Darlington we will have to see at the end of the season, but there is going to be interest if you are scoring goals. I told the gaffer I would see out my contract and score goals and after that we would see.”

Purcell is not alone in working on a contract until the end of the season.

Manager Steve Staunton believes that the bulk of those he wishes to will extend their stay at The Northern Echo Arena, though only time will tell whether Purcell will be among those.

“He’s attracting scouts already but there is really nothing at all we can do about that,” admitted the manager.

“There’s only one or two who have a contract for after this season. That’s the gamble.

If Tadhg had come over and hadn’t done well then we’d only have been tied to him until the season. It’s six of one and half a dozen of the other.

“I’m fully confident that we will have the majority here next season. “Things are going well. I’ve had assurances from the majority of players that I’ve spoken to that they are willing to stay so it’s looking positive.

“Different players have come here with different circumstances.

Gary Dempsey’s married with kids, Tadhg’s on his own, he’s a young man with ambitions.

“Then there’s the likes of Simon Madden, Stuart Giddings and Mor Diop. They’re all in the same boat. We’ve got a good group coming together now and the players feel that themselves, it’s just a case of them giving us another 12 months.”

One more goal and he will match the total scored last season by Pawel Abbott, though Staunton prefers to share the praise out among Purcell’s team-mates.

Having previously lost five consecutive matches, Quakers put in an impressive performance in Tuesday’s 1-1 draw at Bury when Purcell scored a first-half penalty.

“Tadhg has done well but I think it’s unfair on the rest of the team to talk only about him,” said Staunton. “He’s shown the way alright with his attitude and commitment to the game and, obviously, a few goals does help.

“But if you look at things generally, the majority of the players that have come in have been excellent.

“Both full-backs have been in good form, the midfield has been strong, solid and creative and their work ethic is improving all the time.

“We’re still playing catchup with their fitness. Some of the players haven’t had a proper pre-season, they’ve come straight into it by playing games.

“But hopefully next year, with the ones I want to keep, we’ll have a pre-season and as a result we’ll be a lot stronger and fitter. Also, we’ll have had a few months together as a group so we’re looking in good shape.”

New signing Chris Moore will travel with the squad but will not start at Sixfields.

The 26-year-old joined this week after leaving Northern League side Whitley Bay and admits he had thought his chance of a move to the pro ranks had gone.

He said: “I must admit, at 26 you do tend to think your chance has gone, but I’ve signed a contract until next summer (2011) and I’m determined to make a go of it and make a career in the game.

“I don’t think the fitness levels will be too much of a problem for me. I’ve been playing twice a week and doing a bit of training in between so that keeps you in shape and match fit.

“The pace of the Northern League first division is pretty quick as well and on Tuesday we played Newcastle’s reserves, which was a bit of a work-out!”