POLICE have raised concerns over the security of a proposed housing estate in Darlington's West End.

Plans to build 13 affordable homes in Cockerton, Darlington, are expected to be approved at a meeting of Darlington Borough Council's planning committee today.

But contained in the report, which will be analysed by councillors before a decision is made, is a warning by police that the development, due to its proximity to a cycle path and open land, could become a target for thieves.

The comments from the Police Architectural Liaison Officer read: "These features will attract criminal activity because they provide ease of access and an efficient escape route.

"The houses immediately adjacent to the cycleway will be particularly vulnerable as will cars parked in the street overnight."

A bridleway runs through the site, to the north of Richmond Close, but both the Ramblers and British Horse Society have said they will not object to the proposals because the route can be redirected.

The plans are recommended for approval. The reports conclusion states: "Although the proposal represents a loss of open space, the provision is low value."

According to the report, there will be no requirement for the developer to provide a children's play area, because that, along with the affordable housing requirement, could make the project unviable.