Darlington hero Craig Liddle says he is aware of the high regard he is held in by the club’s supporters and is mindful that could eventually change should he become manager.

He is revered by fans following almost a decade’s service at the heart of Darlington’s defence and is currently in caretaker charge following the departure of Colin Todd last weekend.

Liddle today oversees Quakers’ home match with Macclesfield, having been at the helm for the midweek defeat to Rochdale, when a substitution attracted murmurs of discontent.

A minority of supporters reacted with disappointment when the impressive Jamie Devitt was taken off, which Liddle later explained was due to tiredness.

The caretaker boss, who is being assisted by Neil Maddison, has been reluctant to declare any notions of succeeding Todd and admits the status he holds among fans is a factor.

He admitted: “I would like to think that I have a good relationship with the Darlington supporters from my time as a player and I don’t want to spoil that. That is at the back of my mind when I think about the manager’s job.

“The supporters haven’t had much to shout about but they’ve done ever so well to try to lift the boys and I’d like to thank them for that.

“But I said to the players on Tuesday ‘you have got to lift the supporters’. Hopefully we will give them something to be proud about on Saturday.”

Liddle aims to lead Quakers to a long-awaited first win as a return of only two points from ten league games represents the club’s worst ever start to a season.

They put in an improved display against Rochdale, something chairman Raj Singh was pleased with.

But Liddle was not too impressed and said: “We enjoyed part of the performance on Tuesday.

“If the chairman came to me and offered me the job long term I honestly don’t know what I would say. He was very, very disappointed with the result on Tuesday night – not so much the performance.

“The chairman is very supportive towards Neil and me and that counts for a lot.

“A new manager could come in on Monday and I am quite willing to hand over the reins. I am more than happy to do the job with the youth team. Hopefully I can get a few points on the board before the next man takes over.”