FULL results from a police crackdown on anti-social yobs and underage drinkers in Darlington last weekend have been revealed.

Police seized almost 200 cans of lager, 30 litres of cider, eight bottles of spirits and four bottles of wine from underage drinkers last Friday on the first night of Operation Stay Safe.

The scheme aims to make sure young people are safe on the streets during the weekends and reassure residents issues are being dealt with.

It is being led by Darlington Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership, saw the police team up with Darlington Borough Council’s youth services and anti-social behaviour team.

Officers patrolled streets in the North Road, Cockerton and Eastbourne areas of the town, as well as Broken Scar and Hummersknott.

Young people found to be behaving anti-socially, drinking alcohol or using other substances were be spoken to by officers and either escorted home or taken to a place of safety, from where their parents, or an appropriate adult collected them.

The operation saw 78 young people stopped and spoken to by officers; 26 of those referred for further action; and eight young people searched for drugs.

At Broken Scar, around 50 young people were dispersed and had alcohol confiscated by officers.

Inspector Alison Jackson of Darlington Police, said they would be continuing to target underage drinking and anti-social behaviour in the town.

“We are committed to tackling anti social behaviour and targeting the problem areas identified by local residents at Partners and Communities Together meetings.”

To report anti-social behaviour, call the police on 0345-60-60-365.