ANTI-SOCIAL drunks in Darlington town centre will get an £80 on-the-spot fine from police this weekend.

From tomorrow night, people who are drunk and disorderly will be issued with a fixed penalty notice and could be banned from the town centre for 48 hours.

The pilot scheme, which kicks off to coincide wuith the Bank Holiday Weekend, is designed to discourage irresponsible drinking so responsible drinkers can enjoy a night out on the town.

Fines will not be used to deal with people involved in more violence or serious offences.

Durham Police is the third force in the country to use this legislation after Darlington Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership initiated the scheme as part of Operation Night Safe.

Inspector Steve Steen, from Darlington Police, said: "We want to use the available legislation in a variety of ways. Some people who are causing trouble will be given a Direction to Leave the area, and they will be excluded from the town centre for up to 48 hours.

"Others who are drunk and disorderly or are involved in low level public order offences on the streets will receive a fixed penalty notice of £80.

“These people might have been taken into custody in the past, which takes up space in the cells, as well as a lot of police time. This way they are dealt with quickly and in some cases a fine might be a more effective deterrent, so they won't get drunk and disorderly again.

"We will not be using the fines for people involved in fights or more serious offences."

Bill Dixon, Darlington Borough Council's cabinet member for neighbourhood services and community safety, said: "This is not about stopping people from having a good time. We want people to go out and enjoy themselves in the pubs, clubs and restaurants in Darlington. What we don't want is a minority ruining that for everyone else.

"I hope that by fining those irresponsible drinkers, we'll be hitting them where it hurts - in their wallets."