DAVE Penney has been officially confirmed as Oldham Athletic's new manager.

Penney, who quit Darlington last night, signed a two-year deal at Boundary Park this afternoon.

The former Quakers boss was unveiled at a press conference in the North-West, and claimed that Darlington's recent plight would stand him in good stead in the future.

Penney was at the helm when Darlington entered administration in February, and has been forced to deal with the fall-out from chairman George Houghton's decision to call in the administrators.

Penney said: "Everyone knows what's happened at Darlington - it's been well documented. This is an opportunity to step up to another level. I've come to a club with great tradition.

"I would like to think what's happened at Darlington has helped shape me as a manager. You can do whatever courses or coaching badges you want, but they don't teach you about administration and the problem you're going to get with that.

"The ten points and the wages are the tip of the iceberg - there are many things that go on below that that cause you problems.

"It's something I've been managing day-to-day and fire-fighting for the last two or three months, whereas I can come here, manage properly and plan for the future. It was tough, but hopefully it will stand me in good stead for the rest of my career."