THE achievements of hundreds of young people from all walks of life in Darlington are to be recognised at an awards ceremony tomorrow tonight (Wednesday).

The Vibe awards, which take place at the Civic Theatre will celebrate more than 400 young people, aged eight to 19.

Awards are being presented in four categories: contribution to the community; against all odds; outstanding achievement in sport and outstanding achievement in the arts.

There will be performances from some of the nominees to coincide with the theme of 'young music.'

Murray Rose, the Darlington Borough Council's Director of Children's Services and Gill Walker, Assistant Director, will host the event which will be attended by all the nominees as well as representatives from the council, and the local community.

Darlington's Member of Youth Parliament Emily Christer and one of her deputies Nick Barnard will compere the night.

Cabinet Member for Children and Young People Chris McEwan said: "There has been a record number of nominations this year in all categories, which just goes to show how much great work our young people are doing both at school, in their spare time and in the community.

"We hear so many negative things about young people but these awards give us an opportunity to celebrate all the good things they do.

"We are very lucky in Darlington to have so many young people who are achieving great things in all areas of life."