SCHOOLCHILDREN are helping provide stray dogs with a comfortable bed this winter.

Darlington Borough Council dog wardens look after strays for up to a week, until they are either reclaimed or sent to a rehoming centre.

Wardens need fresh bedding for every dog. They home about eight pets a week.

Children from schools across Darlington are collecting old blankets and towels to be recycled as bedding for the dogs.

All the donations will be used by the dog wardens to make dog beds for the kennels.

Andy Wood, dog warden, said: "We have a lot of dogs coming into the kennels, especially at this time of year and each dog has to have its own bedding to stop the spread of contagious illnesses or other ailments.

"These donations from school children across Darlington will make it much easier for us to ensure the dogs have a comfortable, warm stay with us before they are reunited with their owners or found new homes."