A NEW category has been added to an award ceremony to recognise the achievements of Darlington's unsung heroes.

The search for the winners of the Best of Darlington Awards 2009 starts today.

Volunteers, community groups, careers and sportsmen will be among those commended for their contributions to the town.

This year, organisers have added a Putting Darlington on the Map award to go to "an individual, company or group who have made the rest of the country or wider world more aware of Darlington during 2008."

Other awards are the contribution to the community (one for adults, one for children), carer, neighbour from heaven, sportsperson, contribution to the arts, environment, business, academic excellence and student of the year.

Two other awards presented on the night are nominated separately. Evolution Darlington award the volunteer of the year prize, and the Media Workshop finds the winner for the Big Snap.

This is the fourth year the awards have been run. Nominations must be in made by January 5, with the awards night held at Darlington College on February 13.

Chairman of Darlington Partnership Alasdair MacConachie said: "Darlington is a very special place, unique in its character and spirit. This is largely down to the people who live and work here so I am delighted that we have the Best of Darlington awards to celebrate their efforts."

Chief executive of Darlington Partnership Steve Rose said: "Countless people in Darlington work tirelessly to help others, asking for no reward or recognition.

"This is the borough's opportunity to celebrate their efforts and applaud publicly their daily toil which benefits in so many ways the community at large."

Peter Barron, editor of The Northern Echo, said: "Darlington is already a great town which is moving forward in many ways. The Best of Darlington Awards give us the chance to celebrate everything thats good about the local community and The Northern Echo is delighted to be involved."

Ada Burns, chief executive of Darlington Borough Council, said: "The Best of Darlington Awards are a wonderful celebration of everything thats outstanding about the borough.

"It's an opportunity to shout about the achievements that make this such a great place to live and work."

Principal of Darlington College Sarah Robinson said: "Since our new college opened its doors it has grown to be the centre of an expanding community making it the ideal venue to host such important awards."