THE last hotel a famous British singer booked into before she died is to host a special tribute day.

The Kings Head Hotel, at Priestgate in Darlington, is hosting an Alma Cogan day, organised by the Alma Cogan International Fan Club.

The day will include a showcase of her music, video footage and photographs.

It will also mark the launch of Alma's new double-disk CD, which will include tracks never before released.

This will be on sale at a special pre-release price, only available on the day.

Tickets for the event cost 12, which includes a buffet lunch, and the proceeds raised will be shared with Darlington and District Samaritans.

The Kings Head Hotel was the last British hotel Alma booked into before she died in 1966.

Jackie McCormack, fundraising coordinator at the branch, said: "We are very excited about the event and extremely grateful that the organisers are sharing the proceeds with Darlington and District Samaritans.

The day will be packed with video footage, music and pictures of this great British star. It's a real chance for fans from the area to get together and have a great day out, whilst also raising money for an excellent local cause."

For more information on the event telephone: 07954 -571406 or e-mail: To volunteer or donate to the Darlington branch of Samaritans call 01325-465465.

To talk to the Samaritans call 0845 7909090 or email