A DARLINGTON school is recognising the “best of the best” by launching a programme to help its most talented pupils fulfil their potential.

Polam Hall School has inducted 65 pupils into the new Polam Scholars programme, which seeks to give top-level students challenges and opportunities beyond what the national curriculum can offer.

The students were selected for their academic achievement and exemplary attitude towards learning, with a special ceremony held in the school’s Liddiard Theatre to officially induct them as the first Polam Scholars.

The school’s Scholars Coordinator, Joel Galley, said: “We’re extremely excited and proud of all of the 65 students we’re awarding with scholar status.

“They have all shown great potential already, and we’re very excited to be launching this enrichment programme to help them flourish and really reach the next level in their academic careers.”

The scholars will be introduced to areas of study not covered by the national curriculum, exploring subjects like philosophy, politics, world history, 20th century conflict, world theatre, and more, as well as working independently on personal projects that interest them.

They will also meet regularly to discuss major issues and emerging technology, and – through a partnership with other learning institutions including Northumbria University – will take part in field trips, and welcome guest speakers and experts from many different fields.

Principal Kate Reid said: “The Polam Scholars programme is all about challenging our most able young minds beyond the standard curriculum, to truly enrich their academic experience and help them unlock their full potential.

“We believe it will give them the greatest opportunity to explore as much as possible, and achieve even greater intellectual success.”