SIX blood donors have been honoured after helping to save the lives of 1,425 hospital patients.

The National Blood Service gave the six Darlington donors a crystal award as part of a ceremony for 47 donors in Teesside.

Gilbert Allinson has made 100 donations. The group also included James Hopgood, Rona Stokes, Robert Wallace, Malcolm Pickard, Michael Wood, who have all reached 75 donations.

Mr Wallace, 58, who has been a blood donor for 38 years, said: "Some day it might be you or a family member that might need a transfusion."

Father Brian Turnbull, from the Church of St Oswald in Hartlepool, presented the awards after he received 600 units of platelets after he recovered from aplastic anaemia, a lifethreatening bone-marrow disorder.

He said: "You've saved my life. I would have died if it weren't for donors like you, so I thank you for helping me and so many other people."

Amy Lansdown-Nasson, spokeswoman for the National Blood Service (NBS), said: "At a time when blood stocks are particularly low, loyal donors like these are invaluable.

"Darlington needs more than 400 units of blood every month and the NBS needs every drop to save lives. Long standing blood donors are the backbone of the NBS, and without their dedication countless families could be mourning the loss of a loved one."

Donors must be aged between 17 and 60, more than 7st 12lbs (50kg) and be in good health.

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