SAFER streets, improved lighting, less traffic and more activities for young people have all been put forward as ideas to improve a Darlington ward.

Newly-elected councillors Jenny Chapman and David Regan, from the Cockerton West ward, heard the views of residents at a special session at Branksome School.

The event, called Building a Better Branksome and Cockerton, was designed to give the Labour councillors a feel for what people living in the ward wanted to see happen and what issues affected them.

Nearly 40 people attended the event on Tuesday evening.

People were split into groups and during the first part of the evening, residents were asked to map out what services and facilities already existed in Cockerton and Branksome.

Many of the people said they were surprised at what existed in the ward when it was written down.

They were then asked to name what they would like to see in the ward in ten years' time.

Ideas ranged from more trees and flowers, to environmentallyfriendly buses and solar-powered street lights.

There were also issues raised about the lighting in the area and facilities for young people.

Coun Chapman said: "There's been lots of really good themes coming out about transport and safety and lots of environmental ideas.

"It's been good for us the put these things in some sort of order.

"This is not a shopping list - we can't go away and just get it - but it gives us a good idea of what the priorities are."

Coun Regan added: "We noticed there were a lot more residents than stakeholders turned up, which is what we needed.

"We didn't want this to be a complaints session, but we wanted people to talk about the ward.

"I live in the area and work in the area and can't just make decisions on what goes on, it's down to local residents.

"This gives us goals to aim for.

"We can't promise everything, but we can do our best."

Jan Cossins, a member of Cockerton West Community Partnership, said: "I thought it was a good evening. It made people a bit more aware of what was in the area. They didn't realise there was so much.

"But there's so much more to do."